The quick lube shop industry runs on speed. Customers expect fast service, and shops stay profitable the more cars they can service in a day. However, the problem with this business model is finding the balance between the number of vehicles serviced daily and how quickly technicians can complete the service. If the speed at which technicians work can lead to employee burnout.

Employee burnout is a growing concern for many business owners across the workforce, with 77% of US employees reporting they experience burnout at their jobs. According to Gallup’s State of the Workforce report, that number has been on a sharp increase in recent years, with the number of workers reporting feeling stressed rising from 38% in 2019 to 44% in 2022. This increase is part of an ongoing trend of employee stress and burnout that has been growing for the past decade and has increased rapidly during the pandemic.

Understanding burnout in quick lube shops
The quick lube industry is growing rapidly. In 2023, it was valued at 18.1 billion USD and is projected to grow by 3.6% until 2032. As more shops open, owners push for faster service and more cars are serviced daily, technicians and employees risk burnout.

Employee burnout is more than just feeling stressed. It’s a constant state of emotional, mental and even physical exhaustion caused by feelings of prolonged stress and overwork. Mental signs of burnout include poor productivity, disinterest in work, difficulty managing emotions, and consistent pessimism and negativity. These symptoms can spiral into depression, anxiety and other mental health conditions if left unchecked. Physical symptoms of burnout include fatigue, frequent illness, changes in appetite and weight, headaches, stomach aches, muscle pains, and worsening of underlying health conditions.

For quick lube shop owners, employee burnout is a big concern. These shops are designed to run on fast turnover, so if your employees feel burnt out and overworked, your productivity will likely suffer. As a business owner or manager, you will likely incur more health benefit costs or loss of revenue from employee absenteeism or high turnover. Workers are more likely to call in sick, as stress is the leading cause of 79% of employee absences, according to CIPD. Additionally, you may have to pay more overtime to cover absenteeism due to stress. According to TeamSense, 50% of employees have reported working overtime to cover absenteeism.

Factors contributing to burnout in quick lube shops

  • High workload and pressure: The pressure of working in a fast-paced environment like a quick lube shop can directly contribute to growing employee stress and burnout. Managers who push for fast turnaround times for vehicle service can contribute to these feelings, which build for employees over time. Younger employees, just starting their careers, are particularly vulnerable to this pressure. According to Deloitte’s 2023 Gen Z and Millenial Survey, 52% of Gen Zs reported feeling burnout in 2022, and 49% of Millenials reported burnout in 2023.
  • Physical demands and safety concerns: Workers with highly physical jobs, like quick-lube technicians, are likelier to develop burnout. The physically demanding tasks they must complete daily can lead to health problems like fatigue and injuries. Many quick-lube shops are integrating catwalk systems to improve secure and easy access to vehicles for technicians and to reduce employee injuries. While these systems are helpful, the job remains physically demanding, which can take a toll on employees.
  • Ineffective processes and systems: According to a survey from Qualtrics, 38% of employees show burnout systems due to ineffective processes and systems in their workplace. In the quick lube industry, this could look like poor scheduling, inventory management issues, micromanaging, etc. To resolve inefficiencies, business owners/managers should get regular employee feedback on what is and isn’t in their shops.
  • Technological complexity: Modern vehicles are becoming more complex, and quick lube shops offer more services than just a simple oil change. This shift requires technicians to continuously update their skills and learn new technologies to stay relevant. For many employees, this can lead to feelings of inadequacy or anxiety, especially in the fast pace required of quick lube shops.

Strategies to combat burnout in quick lube shops
Business owners and shop managers who suspect that employee burnout is beginning to happen in their shops should take steps to address employee well-being and mental health. Some strategies that may be helpful include:

  • Updating equipment: Quick lube shop technology is advancing, and new, safer, and more ergonomic tools, such as the catwalk systems that are becoming more popular, can reduce the physical strain employees face on the job site. Digital tools, like AI-driven diagnostic tools, can also help streamline operations so employees can focus on more critical tasks.
  • Employee wellness programs: Implementing programs to reduce employee stress can help. Regular breaks, mental health days, or flexible scheduling can all help your employees improve their work-life balance and reduce their overall stress. Increasing benefit coverage for mental health programs like therapy is also crucial for addressing employee health in the workplace.
  • Improved training and support: Ongoing training is crucial in the quick lube industry. It helps your technicians stay up to date on the latest vehicle technology and improve their skill sets. Owners and managers who offer paid training and continuous education can reduce the stress and anxiety that technicians may face as they struggle to keep their skill set relevant in the fast-paced world of automotive repair.

Addressing employee burnout is good for your business
Employee burnout is more than an inconvenience for shop owners and managers. It’s a significant concern that can reduce your shop’s profitability and productivity. By addressing the root cause of employee burnout and offering practical solutions, you can keep your employees happier, improve productivity and service quality, and reduce employee turnover. Ultimately, the happier your employees are, the more successful your business will be. Your business will run smoother, and you can focus on ways to lead business growth. As a fuel and lubricant supplier to many quick lube shops and a fleet fueling services provider, we can tell you that the shops where everyone is happy and enjoys their work are always the most successful. So take steps now to address potential burnout issues in your shop and give your employees the support they need!