Now that the transition to API CK-4 and FA-4 oils is in full effect, it’s important to ensure you’re not only taking advantage, but that you’re using these lubricants properly. The whole process is a bit complicated, but the first step is understanding the basics.
CK-4 oils are designed for new engines and old engines alike. These lubricants are considered “backwards compatible” and will help your business transition from the old to the new.
FA-4 oils, on the other hand, are designed to meet new fuel economy regulations, while complying with all current regulations in regards to green house gas emissions and operations.
If it’s easier to remember, think of it in terms of the alphabet. C comes first and is “backwards compatible” to older engines. F comes later and is designed for new engines.
If you’re still confused, don’t worry. Click through to view Chevron’s Product Transition Guide and their Comparison Brochure.
We at Greg’s Petroleum are more than just an oil supplier. We are happy to assist you in regards to any questions or concerns you may have with the transition. If you need a lubricants supplier in the Bakersfield, Fresno, or Ventura areas (and beyond), contact us today.